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Clear Flaming Skulls - Reduced (50cm)

Clear Flaming Skulls - Reduced (50cm)
-66 %

Reduced scale 50cm version of probably the original flaming skulls pattern which we sell here as SKU42 - the skulls in this pattern are completely clear so will take on whatever colour you choose for your base, or alternatively, it's an ideal candidate for a silver base then a candy topcoat.

We're guessing the guys at Hydromonkeys were trying to get the original film we sell as SKU42 when they ordered this pattern as there were three rolls of it.  Irrespective, this is your chance to grab a bargain as we just want to keep the original for now.

Film Width: 50cm

Recommended Base: White

Clear Flaming Skulls - Reduced (50cm)
  • Product Code: SKU55
Product Views: 2197
Tags: Fire , Flames , skulls