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Just what it says on the tin. Every pattern we have, in one big category fo..
Genuine custom patterns from designers all over the world from here in the ..
A range of patterns including fur, snakeskin and other skin designs, along ..
Camo patterns - digital, traditional, realistic, hexic, lots of choices......
Carbon fibre patterns are the bread-and-butter of most dippers, and to make..
A selection of patterns featuring fire, flames, infernos and the like.....
Patterns which may appeal more to the feminine side. Flowers, pastels, gent..
Sexy Pin-ups galore, fantasy, cartoon, realistic, something for every style..
Sorry, but if the title of this category doesn't tell you everything you ne..
Zombies are always popular which is why we decided to add a couple of patte..
A place for all of the patterns which don't quite fit anywhere else.  ..